*Press Z several times to toggle between horizontal/vertical/box zoom ** Press P several times to toggle between free/horizontal/vertical panning To visualize your spectrum Zoom in/Zoom out (or press Z) * Full spectrum (or press F) Manual Zoom in to defined ppm range Pan spectrum (or press P)** Expansion – click&drag to draw an inlet (or press E) Fit to Height (or press H) Increase/Decrease Intensity (or move mouse wheel) Crosshair Cursor (or press C) for measuring J-couplings Cut (or press X) to hide parts of the spectrum See Help > Contents > Processing Basics for more details
*Click the arrow next to the tool icon for options. To correct phasing, baseline & reference Click for phase correction if peaks are not symmetric*Ĭlick for baseline correction if baseline is not zero *Ĭlick to calibrate the chemical shift reference if the solvent or TMS peak is not at the right ppm You can view or change the processing parameters by choosing Processing | Processing Parameters. **Parameters from the raw data are used for processing. *You can drag multiple folders that contain fid (or ser) to Mnova to open multiple spectra simultaneously.
To open and transform your NMR data Choose File | Open to open the fid file Or drag an fid file from Windows Explorer to Mnova * Mnova automatically transforms the raw file into frequency domain (including Windowing function, Fourier transform, phase correction etc) **
See Mnova Help > Contents for more details *Those features are not illustrated in this tutorial. Mnova NMR Quickly process and analyze 1D NMR, and report your chemical shifts and Jcouplings in journal format Process, analyze and assign multiple 2D spectra together with 1D* Advanced tools for automation, quantitation, reaction monitoring, diffusion & relaxation studies* Mnova NMR license required Mnova: An integrated system for analytical chemistry Use Mnova NMRPredict Desktop to Predict 1H and 13C and verify your structure Assign peaks Using Mnova to Process and Analyze NMR on Your DesktopĬhen Peng, PhD Director of Business Development, US & China Mestrelab Research SL San Diego, CA (858) 736-4563 Ĭontents Use Mnova NMR to Open and transform your NMR data Process, analyze and report a 1H spectrum